Child Care Banner

They are precious to you and precious to us.

South Central Public Health District offers two main programs to help keep your children healthy and safe: Healthy Kids, Healthy Future and childcare inspections through the state of Idaho.


Healthy Kids, Healthy Future (HKHF)

One in five children are overweight or obese by the age of six.
Child care and early education providers are a powerful force
in children's lives. Providers can help children learn habits
that prevent childhood obesity and can keep them healthy for life.

The HKHF campaign focuses on five key areas of childhood obesity prevention:

If you are a child care or early education provider, and would like to participate in HKHF, or if you have questions about the program, call or email the program coordinator at (208) 678-8221.

Choose Safe Place program

Idaho's Choose Safe Places Program helps ensure that early care and education programs are located in safe places, so that children aren't exposed to dangerous chemicals during their care.

Child care providers should proactively consider possible sources of environmental exposure prior to committing to a location for a child care business. Early care and education facilities may be located in places where children and staff are exposed to harmful chemicals even if facilities meet current licensing regulations. New child care providers may be unaware if a proposed site is in a contaminated industrial building that was never cleaned up, or next door to a dry cleaner using harmful chemicals. This can put staff and children, who are more sensitive because they’re still growing, at risk of health problems.

Learn more about the Choose Safe Spaces program here. (Scroll down to the bottom of the webpage)


Environmental Health Specialists provide inspections for licensed child care facilities and for child care providers registered with the Idaho Child Care Program (ICCP). Our job is to help providers understand disease prevention and general hygenic practices for their clients. If you see something in a child care facility that concerns you please call the Idaho CareLine (dial 2-1-1).

Tips for searching Day Care Inspections

This is for day care inspections only, if you want food or septic inspections go to the environmental health inspections page. The inspection search looks the same, but you won't get the same results.

Inspection button

If you need help paying for child care please visit this website for more information. South Central Public Health District does not currently have any programs to help families pay for child care.